- Overcoming UBER Info Overload A “Straight Shot” Guide For Those Struggling To Make Money Online (And A Refresher For The Rest Of Us)
- Congratulations You now have Give Away Rights to this package. This means that you can giveaway this package providing it remains complete and unchanged. You can give it away to anyone you like, include it in a membership site and/or use it as free content to your subscribers. If you have any questions or queries about this product or want more information please click here.
- Introduction Despite what many people are telling you, making money online is EASIER now than ever before. There are hundreds and thousands of people flooding the Internet all trying to make money to help them survive the rising cost of living. Sadly, many of these people leave Internet Marketing jaded and broke because they don’t have access to the very tools you are about to discover. Internet Marketing is seen by many as the “Gold Rush” of the 21st century, and in many ways it is. The masses are rushing into the market completely unprepared, digging everywhere, spending money, finding nothing, and then retiring from the field broke. I will say this here and I will repeat it throughout this report. In fact, I’m going to write it in a big font in the hope that you will pay attention to it. STAY FOCUSED I say this because the number one cause of failure in Internet Marketing is lack of focus. On every forum on the Internet there will be people asking how to make money and less than 1% of them will focus on a project and make money. People get caught up in the get rich quick mentality and jump from idea to idea, terrified they are going to miss the latest trick and not make a million dollars overnight. If you want to make money online then it is VITAL that you focus on what you are doing and are not distracted. Let me tell you about an Internet Marketer. He started online in business three years ago in a specific niche, but then he decided to move into another niche, then he started investigating other techniques, then moved niche again, registered a hundred domain names with the intention of building an empire of money making sites and making his fortune. Two years later he was sat on an empire of a hundred half created sites and broke. Why was he broke? Because he had spent all his money on the latest get rich quick schemes, on the supposed “latest” information that would make his business boom. Because he had not stayed focused on his objective – making money. He’d ran himself ragged from pillar to post and made nothing.
- It was at this point that the need for focus finally penetrated my thick skull and I realised my mistake. I’m writing this report in the hope that I can help you to realise this little gem that WILL MAKE YOU RICH! I have now sold off many of my websites (and made a tidy profit) and am down to less than thirty websites, all of which are profitable! When you are working on building your business, stay focused on what you are doing and what you want to achieve. DO NOT start one project and get distracted and move to the next until that project is complete. Do just ONE thing at a time, e.g. spend an hour generating traffic, a day writing a report, etc etc. Don’t write a report, do link exchanges, install affiliate software and create a new website as you will get NOTHING done. Do just ONE SINGLE thing at a time and FOCUS on it and you WILL succeed! If You need help this tool kicks all forms of butt and will simplify your life: http://they.misled.us/dark-room (It’s free) Follow the steps in order and make some money. Don’t be tempted to vary them, think outside of the box or do your own thing, not at first. Once you have one site up and making money, then by all means innovate, but for now, follow these steps without deviation.
- Step 1 – What Are You Going To Promote? The first step is deciding how you are going to make money, i.e. what are you going to make money with? One of the best methods is to promote other people’s products. This is good for you because: You have no financial outlay You can get your business starting quickly You can test the profitability of a market easily There are lots of ways to find programs to promote. When you promoting another person’s product you are known (in Internet Marketing terms) as an affiliate, and an affiliate program is run by a product owner to recruit people like yourself to promote their products. If you are looking for make money/personal development products (which is a billion dollar market!) you can find a good one here. (look for the Affiliate signup link at the bottom of the page). Here you can earn up to $100 per sale and there’s something for almost everyone here. As this affiliate program pays out via ClickBank so it’s well worth signing up for. Another excellent way to find programs to promote is to visit Clickbank. It’s a massive directory of affiliate programs, and the nice thing about it is that it takes care of the entire back end process, i.e. it pays the merchant, pays the affiliate (you!) and is reliable. They’ve been around for years and there will be no worries about you not being paid or them going under. The downside of Clickbank is that they pay by check and take a commission. However, for the peace of mind, it’s well worth it. You can also aggregate your commissions from various campaigns, which means you get your commission check that little bit quicker. Search the Market Place at Clickbank and find three or four products to promote in a single niche, e.g. three or four products in the weight loss market, or scrapbooking, etc. Make sure it’s a niche you know something about and are interested in, at least for the first time. It makes your life easier and means you have less work to do because you already have some market knowledge. In a little while you will be creating a short course on this subject, but first there’s something else you need to do!
- Step 2 – Setting Up Your Shop Front Now you have to set up your shop front in order to promote your product. You do this by registering a domain name so people can find you online. I recommend you use www.namecheap.com for your domain name needs as they are cheap, reliable, flexible and are not going to screw up your business on a whim like some other registrars. It will cost you about $10 for each .com name per year, but if you search on Google for “namecheap coupon” you can usually knock up to a dollar off this price. Make sure you select something that is relevant to your chosen niche and easy to remember. This may be harder in some niches than others, but you can do it. For example, SucceedAtDieting.com or FixUpYourHouse.com. They are domain names that tell you exactly what the site is about and is easy to remember. Once you have your domain name you need to find somewhere to host it for you. This is your real estate. As you are an entrepreneur and are going to be making money online I strongly recommend a reseller account. You can pick these up for a pittance on Ebay, though their reliability is something I would question. Personally, I recommend HostGator as they are very reliable, have excellent support 24 hours a day, allow you to host as many domains as you want and have tools such as Fantastico and CPanel, which you will love! Go for their basic resellers account and you will be set for ages to come. Don’t worry about running out of space, you can easily move up a tier in the hosting program. The basic resellers account gives you 10Gb disk space and 150Gb bandwidth per month for just $19.95, which will be plenty for some time to come.
- Step 3 – Build Your Toolkit For some of the future steps you are going to need to create webpages and upload them to your website. Go to www.nvu.com and download their free html editor. It’s enough to get you started. If you have Microsoft Frontpage on your computer you can use that or you can buy a copy of Dreamweaver if you really want to be a pro, but it will cost you money and isn’t the easiest of tools to use. Next you will need some software to upload your web pages to your domain. To do this you need some FTP software. Free and cheap is Filezilla, download it from http://sourceforge.net/projects/filezilla/. You will also want to make sure you have the correct office software and a solid word processor. The standard is Microsoft Office but if you can’t afford it you can get the next best thing for free: OpenOffice.org
- Step 4 – The Squeeze Page Now you need to use your HTML editor and create what is known as a squeeze page. It’s a page designed to capture the names and email addresses of the people who visit your website. You will need to experiment with the format of your squeeze page as what works best varies from niche to niche. Test some different squeeze pages and track the results you get to see what works the best for you. You can buy squeeze page templates or design your own. It’s up to you which avenue you pursue. On the squeeze page, you want to persuade them to sign up for your e-course so you can market products to them. Free Downloads: Need a template? Click Here To Get One Free Need a free video on how to modify the template? Click Here Need a free HTML editor? Click Here NOTE: I know it’s obvious, but you’ll want to modify the text and swap out the email capture on the page for your own stuff.
- Step 5 – Create Your E-Course Now you need to write an e-course in your chosen niche. You can make this any number of parts you like, though I recommend you make it at least five parts, seven being better! You can write it yourself, hire a ghostwriter (check out www.elance.com, http://www.guru.com/emp/index.aspx and www.rentacoder.com for ghostwriters) or you can use Private Label Rights (PLR) material to create your course. Whichever you choose is up to you and your budget. A good title for your e-course is something like “5 Ways To …” or “7 Tips For …”. Something like this gets people’s attention and intrigues them. Think about the major in-print magazines, they always have lists like “Top 10 …” and so on. People love them! Make each instalment of the e-course interesting and a good read. You do not want your subscriber to read your course and go “BORING”. Make it lively and informative. Each part of the course will promote only ONE affiliate product, e.g. lesson 1 promotes product 1, lesson 2 promotes product 2 and so on. Exactly how you promote the product you will find out by trial and error. You can either mention it two or three times in the e-course in passing or you can put in something like “Sponsor’s Message” or something similar so they know it is an advert. What works best will depend on your market. You need to make sure there is enough information to tease them to click through the affiliate link to the website. Using your HTML editor you are going to create your e-course as a webpage with a single page for each lesson and upload it to your website using your FTP program (Filezilla). On your e-course you want to also include Google Adsense adverts. You can sign up for a free account here https://www.google.com/adsense/ but you do need a site to show them first (a Blogger blog will do).
- Step 6 – Automate Your Delivery To automatically deliver your emails to your readers you will use an autoresponder. The best on the market is Aweber. There are others, though I’d be more wary of them. Whatever you do DO NOT use a free autoresponder. They usually contain adverts and have very poor delivery rates, which will mess your business up. Plus, when you move to a paid autoresponder, you will have to get all your hard earned leads to re-confirm their subscription, which will cost you dearly in subscribers. Once you have your autoresponder account you are going to set up your messages. You are not going to be sending out the e-course to your readers, but a short teaser email designed to get them to click through to your website. Once there they will read your e-course and either click on the affiliate link or on some of the Adsense ads on your site. You also need to set up a web page to say thank you for subscribing, check your email for the confirmation link (as you will be using double opt in to protect yourself from spam complaints). Use this page to remind them to check their email and click on the confirmation link and to tell them a bit more about your e-course. You also need to set up a page for after they have clicked the confirmation link in their email. This is a simple thank you for subscribing, a brief overview of the e-course and some Adsense ad blocks on the top and bottom. With nowhere to go except the Adsense links you are likely to get some revenue from the clicks. You can also use a co-registration service here to further increase your subscribers. I can highly recommend AdBlast The World as a great way to cheaply build a list. You can send an email to a list of about 1 Million targeted optin subscribers as well as receive up to 50,000 new leads per month. Other people using this service display a similar advert, though it will include your newsletter. Check it out, it’s a very good way to build a list quickly. The other reason I like it is because I’ve personally worked with the founder Sean Clark to make this a totally killer program.
- Step 7 – Test, Test, and Test Again I know this step may sound tedious to you, but it is VITAL. If you skip this step you will be losing subscribers and damaging your business. Test the following: Your squeeze page in Internet Explorer and Firefox to ensure it displays The subscription process – and make sure all the webpages look ok and the Adsense ads are showing (if they are not relevant or not displaying make sure your pages are keyword rich and have relevant titles / metadescriptions) That all of your affiliate links work and click through to the expected site The delivery of all the emails in your autoresponder and that the links are working as expected.
- Step 8 – Find Your Keywords You need to now find some keywords you are going to use to promote your squeeze page and e-course. If you had chosen weight loss, for example, as your niche, don’t use highly competitive keywords like “weight loss”, you want to use what are known as long tail keywords. These are more like key phrases, but are ones that are not as competitive or searched for as often. As such, they are easier to be ranked in the search engines. One of the best free keyword research tool is at WordTracker at http://freekeywords.wordtracker.com. All you need to do is enter your generic keyword, e.g. weight loss, and click the button. You are going to scroll down the page and find keywords with something between 300 and about 3000 searches per month. Using Weight Loss as an example, you can see that the keyword “weight loss” itself has almost 650,000 searches a month! Great keyword to get listed for but highly competitive and will take some work. (Note: by using long tail keywords containing your main keyword such as weight loss program, weight loss diet, weight loss goal, etc, you will find yourself being listed for the main keyword weight loss. It’s better to target the keywords with the lower number of searches as you will see results quicker.) So if you were targeting the weight loss market you would not choose weight loss as a keyword. You are better off choosing keywords like “weight loss goal” which has about 3,300 searches a month or “free online weight loss diet” which has around 3,700 searches a month. If you search on Google for your keyword within quote marks, i.e. “free online weight loss diet” you discover how many sites are competing for that precise keyword. Without the quotes your search will display any site using any of the keywords. Searching for “free online weight loss diet” on Google reveals there are just over 45,000 competing sites. This means to you, it’s relatively easy to get ranked for this keyword. You need to pick up around 8-15 keywords initially that describe your product and meet the criteria discussed above.
- Need More Keywords? Here’s A List Of Free Resources: Google External Keyword Tool Webmaster Toolkit Keyword Research SEO Tools Keyword Suggestion Tool Trellian Keyword Discovery Free keyword software Apogee Competitors keyword tool Submit Express Keyword Suggestion Tool Google Sets (Find phrases) Demographics Prediction: Audience Intelligence: adCenter Labs PPC Webspy The Greatest Keyword Tool EVER: Yes I know that sounds like hype, but I seriously believe it. I bought this thing and since then have used nothing else. While free tools area great I can’t tell you how much time I save by simply getting the “Strength Of Competition” and seeing if I stand a chance at ranking. Click here to see the video of this thing in action.
- Step 9 – Your Bio Box When you write articles on the Internet, you need to include a bio box. This a mini-sales pitch to get people who read the article to click on a link in the bio box to go to your website. It’s vital that this is very powerful and gets people to click through. Don’t write a bio box that says something weak like “Click through to mysite.com to find out more info on weight loss.” People aren’t going to click. By all means test your bio boxes to find out which has the highest click through rate. Your bio box needs to really grab people’s interest and tickle their curiosity so they click on your link. A more powerful bio box would be something like: “Your Name Here is a clinical hypnotist, having helped hundreds of people to easy weight loss. He’s recently developed a e-course showing you a step by step process for making your weight loss program easier. To learn how to lose weight easily and permanently without pills, drugs, or suffering, visit http://www.weightlosswithouteffort.com.” You can see here I’ve used some of my keywords and including something called anchor text (this is the blue highlighted text on the keyword “weight loss program”. This helps your search engine rankings if you can do it for one of your major keywords. Anchor Text Example: The Keyword You Want The exact length of your bio box varies from site to site, so be prepared to be flexible and adjust the length of your box.
- Step 10 – Write An Article It’s at this step that most people begin to set themselves up for failure. For some reason, a lot of people associate writing articles with difficulty and struggling, which is just not true. Writing articles is incredibly easy, particularly if you are working from Private Label Rights (PLR) material. If you really hate writing articles, outsource them. However, this is the biggest key in this particular method of making money online, so stick with it and get writing! Pick TWO of your keywords that are closely related to each other and write an article incorporating them. For example you may write an article using the keywords “weight loss goal” and “weight loss program”, both of which work together well. Write at least 400 words. The basic format for an article is: Tell them what you are going to tell them Tell them Remind them of what you’ve just told them That’s it! A good format for articles is the tip format that is so popular in magazines like Cosmopolitan. An example article in our weight loss niche might be “7 Tips for Weight Loss Success” or “10 Ways To Make Dieting Easier”. This helps you by making the article writing process much easier.
- Step 11 – Article Directory Accounts In order to get traffic to your website and exposure for your articles, you need to submit them to what is known as Article Directories. These are pretty much gigantic directories of articles where webmasters and other people go to get information. If you search for “Article Directory” you will find hundreds of article directories you can submit your articles to. This will take a lot of time to do manually, and luckily you can purchase article submission software that will automate most of it for you. Personally, I wouldn’t submit articles to more than 2 or 3 of the biggest and most popular article directories as many of the smaller ones article submission software submits to will get you virtually no traffic. As we are doing this on a budget, sign up for www.ezinearticles.com and www.goarticles.com as these are the two main article directories. If you only do one, do Ezine Articles as it is the best. Both are free to sign up for.
- Step 12 – Write More Articles Yep, sit yourself down and write another 8-10 articles based around the keywords you researched earlier. Submit each article as you finish it. It’s important here that you sit and write all of these articles at once. The reason is because most people get bored or discouraged because they don’t see immediate results. By writing 10 or so articles in a day and submitting them you will see a massive spike in traffic to your site, which will really help keep your motivation going. It can take up to half an hour to write an article, but don’t worry, as you get more proficient it’ll become quicker and quicker. I can often write a quality article in around 5 minutes (but then I do type at 100 words a minute). You can base your articles around PLR articles (remember – you MUST edit the articles significantly for them to be of use) or hire a ghostwriter if you have the cash to spare. An incredible ghost writing resource I’ve found only charges around $1/$2 per article and they’re pretty good. Not as good as if you did it yourself… but to drive traffic to your site I cannot recommend them highly enough. http://www.cyberhubonline.com/home.htm
- Step 13 – Take A Break Now you have done that, take a break, pat yourself on the back and go do something else for a bit. The reasoning behind this is that if you continuously focus on something you may get bored with it and by taking a break you stay refreshed and enthusiastic. In this time do something else such as link exchanges, traffic generation, work on another niche, etc etc. One of the best resources for generating traffic, finding profitable markets as well as getting your online empire up and running is The Money Siphon System. More people have made money using this method than almost any other method online because of it’s extremely detailed how-to affiliate program. Click here to take a look
- Step 14 – Rinse & Repeat This is the final step where you are setting yourself up for long term success. Here you do some research for another 10-12 long tail keywords (low volume of search and low competition) using the same criteria as discussed before. Then every day write one keyword dense article and submit it as you did above. Some days do a few more and submit them to other article directories too. Basically, the more articles you write and submit, the more traffic you will get to your site. Depending on your niche and the quality of your writing you could get up to 40% of visitors to your squeeze page signing up for your newsletter, which will see your Adsense and affiliate income growing. Upgrade And Increase Sales: FYI: If you’re on a budget and are looking to really ramp up sales you may want to have some professional graphics designed. I strongly recommend using Najat Engineer at MiniSiteSpot.com. As of this writing her prices are beyond low and her work is spectacular. Seriously, you would do well to invest the small sum to have a complete package finished in around 5 days. The difference it can make on your bottom line is incredible.
- Going Onwards Now you have one site set up and earning money, move on to the next. After the first two or three weeks, you can reduce the frequency of article submissions for your first site, writing one every few days instead. Once you have done the initial submission your site will be going up in the search engine rankings and you won’t need to do such frequent article submissions. This frees you up to spend time creating new websites and sources of income. If you have one website earning you $100 a month that is great, but what if you repeated this success with 10 websites? Or even 20? 30? Or more? Using this method you can make a very good monthly income very easily. Sure it takes work, but once you’ve set it up your business can run on auto-pilot. The key here is consistent effort. The majority of people will try this method for a few days and then give up. If you want to earn a full time income from Internet Marketing then you have to do a little bit every day. Even if you just spend an hour a day on this, after a few months you will have a nice monthly income with minimal overheads. As you build your list you can also send out broadcasts to them, which means you send out a single email to lots of people. You may share new information with them, tell them about a new product and so on and so forth. Remember people are hungry for information and if you can give them the information they want then they are likely to click on your links and make a purchase. When the cash is coming in I recommend you invest in the following given in order of importance: 1. A paid autoresponder (Aweber) as you will be able to operate more mailing lists and hence create more sites. You will also be able to add more follow up messages to each mailing list, which means more contact with your reader and more opportunity to market to them 2. A ghostwriter to outsource your writing to so that your time is freed up to work on your business or enjoy life As you develop your business you may also start doing joint ventures with people. This is where you recommend someone else’s product to your list via a broadcast. Because you have developed a relationship with your list you will have created a level of trust with them. So when you are personally recommending a product, a good percentage of them will purchase the product, which means make sure you recommend quality products only!
- Endnote This is a very simple plan and it WORKS! Follow it and you are virtually guaranteed to make money. As you develop your skills you will learn about other traffic generation methods, how to optimize your website for the search engines and many other tips and techniques. My words of advice are to focus on your business and your outcome and do not allow yourself to get distracted. If you want some extra help making money online then I can highly recommend The Money Siphon System affiliate program as it is incredibly powerful. Take a look and you will notice some big changes in your thinking that will give you the edge in online success. The first one is you’ll be paid up to $100 of all sales directly through ClickBank! (Huge difference over most programs) There is a gold mine on the Internet and you are in a fantastic position to take advantage of it IF and ONLY IF you stick to a plan and are consistent. I wish you every success and happiness in life, and if you’d like to receive my Marketing Insanity Tips and get the Free $800,000 Nice Videos free in your inbox simply click here and sign up I’ll see you in the next round… but until then… To YOUR Success